Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 15, part 1: Optimism

Week 15, weight, 198 pounds. Gain this week, 6 pounds. Total loss, 19 pounds.

I have decided that this will be a good week.  I have decided that deciding will make it so.  I am so far proving myself right by waking up feeling reasonably wakeful, optimistic, and willing to face the scale and even write it down and tell you with only a small amount of shame or regret.  I am very proud of this fact, perhaps more proud than I am when I actually lose weight. 

Obviously, I did not maintain. 

Also, I may have an actual plan for the toaster story.  As much as I would like the toaster to be God, I think the toaster will instead be the Frog Prince.  He will win Allison's reluctant and disbelieving heart, and she will kiss him.

I might actually do this.  Which means I might actually be writing fiction.  I might be writing speculative fiction.  Some days I barely recognize myself anymore.

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