Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 13, part 1

Week 13, weight, 194 pounds.  Loss this week, 3 pounds.  Total loss, 23 pounds.

I started out with another Bad Dream Monday, but couldn't quite manage to stick with it.  Halfway through my shower I was thinking about how much fun I had at the dance and workshop, and how much fun it is now that I can lead, and I want to learn to lead ALL THE THINGS.  Because being able to lead is exactly as awesome as I thought it would be.  I can dance with cute girls!  I don't have to sit out a song when the leads are all on the floor!  There's even something kind of relaxing about showing someone else off.  I mean, good swing dance leads are a pleasure to watch, and there's a lot of fancy styling that can be done, but I think that at the heart of it, the job of a lead is to make the follow look good.

And it was funny when the things I wasn't used to having to do were suddenly My Job Now.  Like, keeping an eye out on the rest of the dance floor to avoid collisions, and that continuous calculation of what I should or shouldn't ask my follow to do.

I very nearly took the rumba lesson as a lead, but I'm not sure yet if I'm ready to switch back and forth on all the other dances.  I'm just starting to keep them all straight in my head, and they're almost but not quite instinctive.  I think I need to get them a little more firmly entrenched as a follow before I start to switch back and forth. 

But waiting is so hard.

The ballroom boy with the goofy smile is no longer off-limits at social dances.  And he is very pretty.  He is not, not, not a crush, but he is good to look at.  I can enjoy that.  (I think I have Manic Pixie Dream Girl fantasies.  More on that to come.)

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