Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Not only did I get an actual eye-contact-and-acknowledgment from another ballroom dancer, I got a goofy-face-and-smile.  I also met a girl who recognizes me from knitting and might start swing dancing.  And I discovered that one of the nice dancers is actually a gold-shoe-girl in disguise*.  She has the shoes, she just doesn't act like it.  This feels like a major breakthrough.

Also, I smiled at everyone.  I felt weird and insecure, but I did it.  One person asked if I hurt myself, no one else mentioned it.  I will be so very glad when I stop worrying about how many teeth I have at any given time, but in the meanwhile, I went to ballroom dance without my tooth and smiled.

* When I started noticing that there was a distinctive in-club within the ballroom dancers, I also noticed that all the women had matching gold shoes.  I'm pretty sure they're team competition shoes.

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