Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Like taking babies from candy

I have a problem.

You know Mormon missionaries that come to your door in suits and ties in the middle of summer with their sweet faces and pamphlets? 

I think they're hot.

Also prep school boys, especially ones that are secretly Chris O'Donnell from the 90's.  Or Warblers.  I apparently have a fresh-faced-sweet-buttoned-up-barely-legal-schoolboy fetish.  There are plenty of good-looking men in ballroom.  With broad shoulders and sexy arms and chiseled faces.  And yet the one I crush on doesn't look old enough to drink, even in Iowa City (which is saying a lot).  And he looks like it wouldn't matter anyway.  Dear god. 

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

They truly are too cute. You kind of want to corrupt them. ;)

Special place in hell for us, yes ma'am. A level of hell Dante forgot to write about. Hopefully little Mormon boys in their little suits are there to ease the pain