Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Summer Vacation in Jacksonville, Part VI


She stops and asks questions, and at first I wonder why do you care but then I find that I'm always glad that she asked. I find that when I take the time to really examine something, give it a chance, it always has more to offer than I would have thought.

She goes to the beach with me in pouring rain, sings loudly (with vibrato!) in the car, knows all the words to country songs on the radio, talks to strangers and learns their stories, takes naked self portraits in the woods, on the beach, on a frozen lake, in a cornfield. She's confident and forceful, and my opposite in almost every way, except that I feel like she gets me. She makes a great wingman, and even though I know she was getting annoyed being around me & Bryan, she didn't get in my way or make me feel bad about it.

And Fenna, I was totally hiding under your porch because I love you.

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