Friday, May 4, 2012

Cleaning out my desktop

I have an "untitled" text document on my desktop where I keep pieces of word-things I'm thinking about.  Usually by now I'd have finished or deleted what I've got, but neither seems likely to happen any time soon, and it's getting unwieldy.  So I'm putting it up anyway.


I like to call myself "a deconstructionist, a post-post-modernist, and a sex-positive feminist."   I like the way it sounds. A glib way of both acknowledging and dismissing my academic allegiances. I am fond of self-dismissal.

I don't think that words mean things. Or rather, I think that the relationship between words and meanings is infinitely complicated and ever-changing. I think that dictionaries provide flawed but useful guides to meaning, rather than answers. I don't think that "meaning" is a fixed and singular state.  I don't think that anything is fixed and singular, really.  Absolutes are useful concepts, but not actually attainable in real life.


I am trying to write a story about this moment, when Andrew pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and asked me to marry him, and I know that we were sitting on some rocks in La Jolla, and could see the ocean, and it was sunny but not hot, and he was wearing jeans and I was sitting on his lap and it was after I'd gone to college, but before the end of my sophomore year, and I am trying to put events into place, and I can't remember.

When I left for college, I had a boyfriend. I was not engaged, not yet. At some point, I went home and came back with a ring. I spent my first summer in San Diego. I worked at my father's machine shop, and went to Andrew's house after work. I ate a lot of Jamba Juice. I was always on a diet. I wanted to look good for him.  I remember these things, but they don't tell me what I want to know.

I am piecing together facts that I remember to try and figure out the rest. It's like those logic puzzles from school where you get a list of clues and try to figure out which of six hypothetical children is the tallest.

1. I know that when I began my sophomore year, Andrew and I were together.
2. I know that Andrew & I broke up before I came home for Christmas.

Therefore, I know that we broke up during the first semester of sophomore year.

3. I know that I got engaged in San Diego.
4. I know that I spent at least some time at home wearing my ring, but not telling anyone.
4a. However, I don't think that I spent the entire summer with a ring—going to work every day—it would have gotten in the way, trying to type with it on my finger backwards, the diamond pointing towards my palms.

Therefore, I probably got engaged either near the end of summer, or during Thanksgiving break.

5. I know that I told my parents we were engaged while in Baltimore and then broke up with him before I the next time I went home.
6. I think that Andrew was in Baltimore when I told my parents that we were engaged.

Therefore, it is unlikely that I got engaged during Thanksgiving. (He would not have visited between Thanksgiving and Christmas break.)

Therefore, I probably got engaged during the summer.

Therefore, I probably was 18 years old, not 19.

It bothers me, that I don't remember this, that I don't know the answer, I only know the equations.

Nonfiction is a funny thing. I'm still learning the idiosyncrasies. Back, way back, in my previous writerly incarnation, even my first person poetry was fictional. I was Lot, or Persephone, or a host of nameless women with husbands and histories. So this mining of my life for material is a strange and new experience for me.

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