Saturday, August 1, 2009


I've been saying for a while now that "shouldn't" be dating. Not because I haven't wanted to, but because I felt like I was Bad News. I'm someone I would warn my friends against. But the last few times I've mentioned this to someone, I've started to forget what my reasons were. And I'm starting to think they're not as relevant as I'd previously thought:

1) When I first broke up with Mike, my thinking went: I thought I was going to marry him. I thought I was in love. Maybe I was, at some point, but I'd ceased to be for a long time before I realized that things were wrong. If I could be so wrong about something so important, how could I trust myself again? What reason would I have to think any future romantic decisions are right? So I can't have a serious relationship. And that just leaves casual ones, and who's going to want a casual relationship with someone with no sex drive?

Except that my sex drive is back. I still have enough hang-ups to not be able to jump in bed with someone right away, but that's within the sphere of normal dating, as opposed to the Crazy Frigid Ice Queen that I used to be.

2) While crushing on someone, I really don't see anything besides what I want to see. During this time period, I'm the least casual dater in the world -- I want to see someone all the time, every time, I can't get enough. And then the crush wears off and I'm like, oops. What happened with B. is an extreme example of that. I was a fucking asshole.

But this is really only a problem, I think, if I were trying to find True Love. This doesn't mean I can't date anyone, ever. It just means I can't promise too much.

And every other problem I've been thinking of, my selfishness, my unwillingness to compromise for a relationship, my being super clingy followed by super casual, these are only problems for real relationships.

So, on the subject, here's what OKCupid has to say about me now:

Fiery. Hungry. Blatant. Sexual. Christ. You are Half-Cocked.
There’s a lot of wild lust inside you, banging around, that much is obvious. There’s also a lot of untamed emotion. When either escapes, look out. One minute you’re completely together, the next you’re a howling gale of hormones and opinions.
Outside relationships, your intense, mercurial personality makes you a charmer. You can be fiercely devoted, and it’s likely that many of your friends will be friends-for-life. Of course, your enemies are likewise certain and zealous, especially your exes and their therapists.
You will find the right person. In the short term, he’s someone virile who won’t sweat your imperfections. In the long term, he will be someone mature and caring who will grow to love them.

All right, who's next?

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