Sunday, January 16, 2011

because I get angry at knitting forums

A says: I can't learn charts! I'm a written directions person, not a map person! Don't you know that there are different kinds of learners? I can't do it. That's it.

B says: Charts are easy! You just haven't tried. Once you do, you'll realize that they're easier and better.

to A: Charts are a language, just like the one you're typing in right now. If you can learn to read, you can learn to read a chart. You've learned that the combination of shapes that looks like "jump" means to push off the ground with your legs. That means you can learn that the combination of shapes that looks like "/0" means to yarn-over and then knit two together. "Hard" and "impossible" are NOT the same thing.

to B: "Easy" is never an absolute, inherent, quality of something. YOU find it easy. That's nice for you. But it is incredibly ignorant and condescending to assume that anyone who finds reading charts difficult is "just not trying." Just because someone CAN do something doesn't mean they will ever find it easy, fun, or practical.

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