Monday, April 6, 2009

Who needs transitions?

There are days when interacting with the internet feels a bit like writing messages in bottles: just as uncontrollable, and just as unlikely to reach anyone. And there are days when it feels nothing like that at all.


I was talking to someone about finding old nemeses online, so I googled my undergraduate nemesis. The first entry was a deleted facebook page. The second entry was my blog entry from 2004, telling people that he's a jerk. I'd completely forgotten I had a blog in 2004. Huh.


I was at a photo conference in Dallas a week or two ago, sitting with my friends in the lobby, drinking vodka-crans out of the cranberry juice bottle, and someone came up to me and said, "Excuse me, you must be bluest girl from flickr, right?" And, because I'd had quite a few, I said "Oh my god, can I give you a hug?" And I did. And there goes that particular first impression.


I got a comment on one of my photos today, the kind of comment that makes me feel awed and unworthy, stunned and glowing. I don't quite know how to respond, but I think perhaps she may read this, and see herself in it, and know that I am, if not actually speechless--I'm certainly not out of words--but I don't quite have the right ones. Going back to school has been an amazing experience for me, and I hope it will be for you as well.

Thank you.


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