Thursday, December 4, 2008

still flip flopping on format

I still can't decide on which format I like better: the un-searchable jpg that drives my professor nuts, or the regular format. I like optima a lot, and there's something appealing ot me about the weirdness of a jpg as a written document, but it gets fuzzy when translated this way, although I kind of think the font on blogspot is a little bit small. This is probably fixable, I just haven't looked into it. It's close to the same amount of energy to post, regardless of how I do it, either I start by making a jpg , upload to flickr, and then hit "blog this," or I start by typing in blogspot, then copy/paste to jpg and upload to flickr. When I start doing both, and copy/pasting my comments about my blog from one version to another, is when it starts getting really ridiculous.

Nevermind I think I fixed the font size issue.

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