Friday, December 7, 2012

Things Yay

I don't do presents.  It's not that I never give anyone anything, but I don't participate in gift-giving occasions.  I had a post written once, explaining all the reasons behind my present-giving-fear, but it comes down to, "It stresses me out enough to make me miserable." 

I try to make sure that people who might be affected by this know in advance, which is sometimes kind of awkward.  In case you were planning on getting me a present, you should probably know that I won't get you one is not exactly winning me any tact awards.  If people don't want to give me anything, that's fine with me.  If people want to give me something anyway, that's fine with me, too.  If someone gives me something, but resents the non-reciprocal nature, that's not something I can control.

So I feel extra sleezy at times like this, because I'm really excited about the presents I'm getting from my dad.  Remember the luggage I didn't buy in August?  You know, the kind of thing I never get around to getting except when I need it, and then it's too late.  It seems like a silly luxury, which it mostly is.  The backpack I took to Europe in 2000 is still sturdy and functional.

But this luggage is so light!  And pretty!  And brightly colored so I can see it from afar on the luggage carousel and it won't get confused for someone else's (although, since it is mass-produced I'll probably look for a way to personalize it a little more).  And since I seem to be making regular weekend trips to the Quad Cities, I would really like to stop borrowing other people's tote bags or overstuffing my old camera bags.  I would really, really, like a good, pretty, lightweight, bag.  So I've asked for the rolling duffle/carryon, and the weekend duffle bag.  And I keep going back to the site and drooling.

Look!  (Okay, so the matchy is a little much, but they won't be used together all that often.)

The thing is, I don't avoid present-giving because I think that present-giving is bad.  It's not an anti-consumerism stance, or an anti-holiday stance.  I like things.  I like having and getting things.  It's just that I have certain neurosis revolving around gift-giving, especially en mass, and I'd rather give up on something I like (getting things yay) in order to get the piece of mind that comes from ignoring the whole process.  And then when I still get to get things yay I feel like a hypocrite and an asshole but it doesn't keep me from drooling in anticipation.

(I'm thinking I can sew bright ribbon to the straps.  It shouldn't weaken anything, and I think I can do it nicely enough to not look DIY.  Lime green, I think.  Or vermillion.)

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